Sunday 15
Sunday, 15 september
hh: 17:00
with: Jacopo Iannuzzi
moderator: Scomodo
In the semi-dark rooms of weary young adults yearning to escape, translucent mountains and transparent words glide swiftly. Who would have thought that Trento would become a prominent backdrop for a debut novel? A place where one can channel Kerouac, wake up disoriented, and surrender to the voices of friends, a direction, a woman, or an idea. "White People Rape Dogs" is the debut novel by Jacopo Iannuzzi, a writer who is both aware and free.
Jacopo Iannuzzi was born in Trento in 1993. He graduated as a chemical technician and worked for a couple of years in a factory as a worker and lab technician. He then earned a bachelor's degree in Modern Literature from the University of Venice and a master's degree from the University of Bologna. After his studies, he worked again as a factory worker in a glassworks and eventually as a delivery rider. He lives in Bergamo, where he takes on occasional jobs and writes.